Monday, October 22, 2007


We love our Grampy! And he loves us!

Great Grandpa and Caylen

Caylen thought Great grandpas beard was scratchy!

Cowgirl up!

What a surprize! Caylen got on the cow all by herself and rde like the wind!

Coleson and Em

Coleson and Em had fun chatting and playing together.

Our little Seahawk fan!

Coleson sure looked cute in his seahawk warm up suit!

The Cousins!

Caylen and Coleson had fun playing together with the farm. In this picture Caylen closed her eyes and said "Cheese" !

Monday at Grammy's

Coleson discovered the farm! He played with it all day and loved it!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Touchdown Seahawks!!

WhoHOO! Caylen knows how to call it!

Grampy and Caylen Watching the Seahawks!

Caylen, Coleson and Em

Hi Em! Glad you can come and play! Poor Coleson...I see lots of dolls and Barbies in his future!


EmmaLee comes to play on Mondays! She enjoys the tummy time.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Art and Jayney's little girl EmmaLee,


Ready for fall!

At Grammys smiling for the camera


Monday, October 8, 2007

Caylen does not like to ride the cow. She loved the rocking horse at aunt Colleen's house...but the cow just doesn't mooooove her...

Caylen and Coleson...
Coleson likes to ride the cow...

Here are the kids with the two Grandmas

Mark and Kerry


We took the family and went to Odessa, Washington for Mark's 47th birthday! We had a great time visiting with grandma's, aunts, and cousins. The Odessa family got to meet our kids, bonus kids and grandchildren.